エコハイブリッドは、40%の繊維質竹素材にプラスチック樹脂を混ぜた複合材料です。 その結果、強度や射出成形の容易さなど、プラスチックの特性のほとんどを備えた材料が使用されますが、使用されるプラスチックの量は40%削減されます。

Bamboo Benefits
Bamboo is a renewable natural resource that is stronger than steel, and twice as strong as concrete. Bamboo also travels well due to its lightweight structure, which means there are less emissions generated during transportation.

Reduction in CO2
Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2) as it grows. As such, our Eco Hybrid products can reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions or can be Carbon Neutral. Using this biomass (through bio-based polymers, through natural fiber reinforcements or both) to create products constitutes a more permanent removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Looking for more information?
Simply get in touch via our phone number (650) 938-3500 (US) or contact us here.